Sunday, September 7, 2014

Why does Islam keep Women Behind the Veil?

The Islamic veil or "hijab" refers to the loose-fitting, opaque outer garments with which a Muslim woman covers her head and body.1 Muslim women cover themselves with such garments before all men apart from their closest relatives. they do not do so to please their fathers, brothers or husbands, but only because god has ordained it. in reality, Islam did not introduce modest dress but merely endorsed it as part of god's religion. yet, dress is only one aspect of a total concept. "hijab" is not merely a concealing garment but includes proper behavior, manners, speech and appearance in public.

In order to accept any law or instruction, a person needs either to be convinced of the benefit behind it or to trust in the wisdom of the one who prescribed it. Muslims believe that the wisdom of god is absolute and perfect and that he knows the nature and best interests of his creations (mankind included) better than they do themselves; thus, a believer willingly obeys god's directives as much as he or she is able.

To some, the matter of women's dress might seem trivial. Islam, however, assigns to it moral, social and legal dimensions. when women observe the proper Islamic dress, they protect their own honor and reputation and contribute greatly towards peace and order in society.

Modesty is a virtue which Islam demands of both men and women, not only for the protection of women but to maintain the spiritual uprightness of men. in view of the sexual anarchy that prevails in many parts of the world, the need for modest dress and behavior in both men and women is obvious. however, on account of differences between males and females in nature and temperament, a greater amount of privacy is required for women than for men, and this relates, among other things, to their manner of dress.

Islam has no fixed standard as to the style of dress or type of clothing that must be worn. however, it must be wide and thick enough as not to reveal the contours of the figure. Muslim women are responsible for making their homes attractive and comfortable, and Islam encourages a woman to beautify herself for her husband and immediate family members rather than publicly exhibiting her physical charms and worldly possessions.

Muslim women who cover themselves do not find it impractical or interfering with their activities in the various fields of life. it is often forgotten that the modern western style of dress is a recent phenomenon. looking at the clothing of women as recently as seventy years ago, we see that it is similar to the dress prescribed by Islam. those hard-working, active western women were not at all inhibited by their long, full dresses and head coverings.

The covering of women's bodies is not a logical basis on which to claim that women are subservient to men. it would be far more appropriate to charge a society with exploitation of females when it tolerates pornography rather than when it encourages modesty. it is ironic that uncontested freedom is granted to those who choose to publicly expose much of their bodies, while severe censure is launched against women who consider that modest covering is a religious obligation that cannot be disregarded.

Islam teaches that women are to be evaluated for their intelligence, opinions, skills, deeds and inner qualities rather than physical appearance. a Muslim woman who covers her body is making a statement about herself and her identity; she has dignity, respectability, self-esteem and is proud of her Islam. whoever sees her will know that she is not available to men or interested in advances, that she has an upright moral character, and that she will not permit sexuality to enter into any of her necessary interactions with the opposite sex. women often see their Islamic dress as empowering because they are taken seriously and respected rather than being viewed as sex objects - they are judged only by their character and conduct.


1 while basically the same as the clothing depicted in traditional christian representations of the virgin mary, this type of dress is currently singled out as a sign of islamic extremism.

Are Men and Women Considered Equal?

When replying to this question, we must first define what is meant by "equal" and identify the aspect which worries us in terms of gender equality. Islam regards women as spiritual and intellectual equals of men. for a Muslim the important issue is who can become closest to god and earn the greatest reward. the Qur'an answers:

“whoever does deeds of righteousness, whether male or female, while being a believer - those will enter paradise, and not the least injustice will be done to them."1

"for muslim men and women, for believing men and women, for devout men and women, for truthful men and women, for patient men and women, for humble men and women, for charitable men and women, for fasting men and women, for chaste men and women, and for men and women who remember god often - for them has allah prepared forgiveness and great reward."2

There is no difference between men and women as far as their relationship to god is concerned. both are equal before god,3 and they are both accountable before him. women, like men, are commanded to worship god, and both are promised the same rewards and punishments according to their intention and conduct.

Economically, every man and woman is an independent legal entity. both men and women have the right to own property, engage in business, and inherit from others. both have the equal right to receive an education and enter into gainful employment. seeking knowledge is an obligation upon every Muslim, and to prevent women from getting an education is contrary to the teachings of Islam.

However, one fact mentioned in the qur'an and now recognized is that all things are created in pairs. had there been a similar function for all, the creation of two counterparts would not have been necessary. to ignore inherent physical and psychological differences is surely unrealistic, but there is no reason to assume that one sex is superior to the other. the creation of male and female means a natural division of function, meaning distinct roles for each, which are both complementary and collaborative.

Thus, absolute equality between men and women in all matters is neither possible nor reasonable. but this does not mean bias in favor of men to the detriment of women. while some rulings may be seen to favor men, many others favor women. however, most islamic rulings apply to men and women equally, and both are bound by their obligations towards one another. the main distinction between the two sexes is in the physical realm, based on the equitable principle of fair division of labor. islam allots the more strenuous work to the man and makes him responsible for the maintenance of the family. it allots the work of managing the home and the upbringing and training of children to the woman, work which has the greatest importance in the task of building a healthy and prosperous society.

It is also true that sound administration within any organization requires a unified policy under a just executive. for this reason islam expects the husband, as head of the household, to consult with his family and then have the final say in decisions concerning it. this degree of authority in no way means that the creator prefers men over women but is simply the logical way of apportioning responsibilities in a household. men and women are two equally important component parts of humanity, and the rights and responsibilities of both sexes in islam are equitable and balanced in their totality. although their obligations might differ in certain areas of life in accordance with basic physical and psychological differences, each one is equally accountable for his or her particular responsibilities.


1) 4:124
2)6З 33:35.
3) god is neither male nor female. gender is an attribute of creation but not the creator. the use of the pronoun "he" for god is a linguistic one, used in the qur'an and accepted by muslims as such.

Doesn't Islam Oppress Women?

              Any people think of Islam as a chauvinistic religion that demeans women, and the stereotypical image of the completely secluded and oppressed Muslim woman is all too common. they cite the condition of women in some muslim countries to emphasize the point, but their error is that they fail to make a distinction between the practices of those people and the true teachings of the religion that they profess.

               Although women have been oppressed by Muslims in some cultures, this should not be understood as coming from the religion; rather, it reflects customs that are inconsistent, if not completely contrary to Islamic teachings. and it is true that some Muslim men still oppress women; but then, so do many non-muslim men. when Muslims are at fault, it is either because of cultural habit or their ignorance about Islam. in actual fact, Islam expects its adherents to uphold the rights of women, protect their social status, and prevent their degradation in any way.

            The status of women in earlier civilizations was so low that they were denied basic human dignity. prostitution was a regular practice, and many considered women to be basically evil, subhuman and inferior to men. before Islam, the Arabs disdained women, and often when a female child was born she was buried alive. Islam uplifted women and gave them honor and equal status; and it requires that this status be upheld and maintained.

             Islam secured for the woman her intellectual, religious, social, economic and political rights, including the right to an education, the right to own property and to use it at her own discretion, and the right to work. a Muslim woman is a completely independent personality. in addition to her right to think and believe as she likes, Islam considers her to be an active member of society who can make a valuable contribution.

From the dawn of Islam, women engaged in many occupations such as commerce, agriculture and manufacturing. a Muslim woman can make any contract or bequest in her own name. she is entitled to inherit in her position as mother, a wife, a sister and a daughter. it is not permissible for anyone to take a woman's wealth without her consent. and there is consensus among the scholars of Islam that all economic activities of a woman, like buying, selling, leasing, giving gifts, and giving collateral, are legally valid and that she has a completely independent economic existence.

Women have the right to a decent life, without facing aggression or being wronged. women have the right to be educated, to express themselves, to give sincere advice, to enjoin what is good and forbid what is evil, and to invite people to islam. none of these basic principles have changed, but regarding their application, there can be no doubt that the weaker religious commitment has grown among muslims the more these rights have been neglected.

Modern western societies claim to have improved the condition of women but have actually demoted them to the level of slaves in the hands of pleasure seekers and sex marketers by convincing them that they should be freed from religious and social restrictions. the united states of america is one of the leading advocates of women's "liberation," but it also has one of the highest rates of rape and sexual harassment in the world. a woman's proclaimed right to seek employment and climb the ladder of success is seldom without compromise. but much is overlooked in the quest to be "equal" with men.

As a fundamental principle, islam holds that women are indeed equal to men in their origin, their humanity, their honor and their accountability before god. they are also equal in their need to fulfill their physical and material needs, to possess property and dispose of it as they wish. both sexes are required to obtain knowledge; in fact, it is the religious duty of every muslim man and woman. women used to seek knowledge at the mosque and in the home of prophet muhammad. they even asked him to set aside a day for teaching them, and he did so. there were many excellent scholars, jurists and writers among women during the era of the prophet's companions and their students, as well as in later periods of islamic history.

The notion that islam makes women second class citizens worth half a man is no more than a myth. over 1,400 years ago islam elevated the status of women by declaring them sisters of men, giving them the right of education to the highest level, the right to choose a husband, the right to end an unhappy marriage, the right to inheritance, and in general, the rights of a full citizen of the state.

Under islamic law it is unlawful for a woman to be married off without her consent or forced into a marriage. she has the right to initiate a separation from marriage if her rights are not being granted or she cannot bear the husband. prophet Muhammad is known to have annulled marriages of women who had been unwillingly coerced. widows and divorcees have the right to remarry and are in fact encouraged to do so. when a muslim woman marries, she does not give up her family name and keeps her distinct identity.

In muslim marriages the husband is required to give a dowry to his wife which becomes her private property and is not subject to the dictates of her male relatives. similarly, any money she earns or receives, whether she is married or not, is her own to use in any way she sees fit. islam places on men the obligation of protecting and maintaining all of their female relatives, and a man must provide for his wife even if she has money of her own. she is not obligated to spend anything in maintenance of her family and is thus relieved of the need to seek employment. however, she may work if she prefers to or if circumstances warrant it.

The family, like any other organization, requires order and leadership. the qur'an has given the husband a "degree" of authority over the wife, which means responsibility, guardianship and accountability. it is in no way a license to practice tyranny within the household; rather, it is the burden of responsibility to care completely and conscientiously for one's wife and children. in turn, obedience is due to him, but only pertaining to what is right and fair according to the islamic shari'ah. the qur'an states:

"and due to [women] is what is similar to that expected from them." 1

Not only are material and physical rights specified, but those of kindness and consideration are equally significant in islamic law.


1) 2:228

Is There Any Mention of Human Rights in Islam?

Islam has laid down universal and fundamental rights for humanity as a whole, which are to be observed and respected under all circumstances. these basic rights are associated with Islamic faith and belief because they are divinely ordained. thus, human rights in islam are religious obligations, meaning that it is obligatory for every Muslim to protect them and restore them if they are violated.

Islam declares all people equal in terms of human values, and all individuals are equal before the Islamic code of law. its judgments and legal penalties are applicable to all races and classes of people without any distinction, and without any person, group or nation acquiring immunity or privilege. every human being is entitled to his integrity, honor and reputation during his life and after his death.

Islam condemns the abuse of power, position and authority and commands people to assist an oppressed person even with the use of force when necessary. every individual in an Islamic society, regardless of his faith or religious affiliation, position or social status, has certain immutable rights, which include:
  • The right to be consulted on issues that concern their economic and social affairs
  • the right to be considered innocent unless proven guilty
  • the right to seek judgment against oppressors and to have an equal hearing before the judge
It is an unfortunate reality of our time, however, that the governments of many so-called "muslim" countries do not apply these principles but rather suppress public opinion and violate human rights. however, such tyranny is in no way representative of islamic teachings. in fact, the prophet of islam warned, "the most ruthless in punishing people in this world will be the most ruthlessly punished of people by god on the day of resurrection."  [1] and the qur'an clearly commands:

"o you, who have believed, stand up firmly for god and witness with justice, and do not let hatred of a people prevent you from being just. be just; that is nearer to righteousness." [2]

No one may be arrested, exiled, punished or his freedom restricted without adequate legal action. no one may be subjected to physical or psychological torment, medical experimentation, or any other humiliating treatment. and it is not permitted to empower executive authority to issue exceptional laws.

These human rights are comprehensive and applicable to every person under Islamic jurisdiction, regardless of his race, religion, nationality or social status. they cannot be altered at any time or under any circumstance. violation of these rights is a violation against the divine decree and necessitates punishment in the hereafter in addition to that of this world, unless the offender repents and reforms.

If such human rights had never been enforced at some time in human history, they would have remained no more than theoretical ideals in people's minds. but prophet Muhammad founded a civilization in which they were fully implemented, serving as an outstanding example for all future generations of mankind.

A Muslim believer is obligated to oppose injustice and oppression no matter who the victim happens to be. when seeing another human being in distress or critical need of assistance, it is his duty to help that person; otherwise, he is accountable for whatever increase in suffering was caused by his neglect. even during war it is not permissible to harm women, children, the elderly, the sick or the wounded. the hungry person must be fed, the naked clothed, and the wounded or diseased treated medically, irrespective of who they are.

Under Islam the lives and properties of all citizens are inviolable, whether they are Muslims or not. the right of security and protection to a person and his family is the most basic of all rights. it is unlawful in a Muslim society for any of its citizens to be harassed or threatened by words, acts or weapons of any type. for the protection of human life in particular, Islam has required severe punishments for criminals who murder, injure and harm others.

One of the fundamental rights established by the sacred texts is that no one can be compelled to accept islam. it is the duty of muslims to establish the proofs of islam to people so that truth can be distinguished from falsehood. after that, whoever wishes to accept islam may do so, and whoever wishes to continue in unbelief may do so.


1) narrated by ahmad – sahih / auténtico.

Does Islam Accept Slavery?

Sometimes people ask why Islam did not abolish slavery. they tend to forget that other religions did not do so either; in fact, there are several passages in the bible that order slaves to serve their masters well. it is well known that when europe made contact with africa, the black people of that continent were faced with a major calamity of human misery that lasted more than five centuries. slavery was not abolished worldwide until the year 1953, through a resolution issued by the united nations.

At the time of the Qur'an's revelation, slavery was a universal institution upon which the economies of every civilization were dependent. there were many ways by which a slave could be obtained, such as poverty (forcing one to sell himself or his children into slavery), debt (when a debtor could not pay off his debt, he became a slave), kidnapping and raids. Islam limited the sources that existed previously to one: the capture of enemy prisoners during war, and all others were prohibited.

Actually, Islam is unique in its concern for the peaceful elimination of this practice. due to his perfect knowledge and wisdom, god did not order slavery abolished outright. since the economy of every civilization on earth was based and dependent upon this system, not only would the Muslim community have been put at great disadvantage by the immediate emancipation of all slaves, but the slaves themselves would have been unprepared for release into society without homes or means of support.

Mercifully, god made the freeing of slaves within Islam a gradual transition. manumission by the state and by individual Muslims was encouraged as a righteous deed greatly rewarded in the hereafter. the Qur'an stated that obligatory Zakah and charity funds could be used for the purchase of slaves to be freed, and freeing a slave is cited therein as expiation for breaking an oath and for the commission of particular kinds of sins and errors. moreover, a slave could enter into a contract with his master to earn his freedom. thousands of slaves requested and were granted contracts of emancipation by their Muslim owners.

Prophet Muhammad repeatedly emphasized good treatment of the slaves who remained, severely rebuking those owners who transgressed. under Islam slaves were to be given the same quality of food and clothing as their masters, they were not lo be overworked, their dignity was to be preserved, and they were to be treated with justice and kindness. often, slaves became members of Muslim families and refused freedom. only under Islam did the slave enjoy a unique position as a member of the household and community worthy of respect.

In many cases, a slave would become a close friend and adviser of his master; or the master would even regard him as a son. it was not uncommon for slaves to be given precedence over free men regarding religious or worldly matters in which one of them excelled. for example, a slave well versed in the qur'an could lead the prayer, and Muslims were ordered to obey if a slave should be appointed in charge of their affairs.

Islam has always encouraged the emancipation of slaves with the objection of gradually diminishing their numbers and integrating them into society. as a result of islamic teachings, slavery was almost completely eradicated from many areas of muslim world, peacefully and without bloodshed. can any other religion or civilization make such a claim?

What is Islam's view about education, science and technology?

The framework of islamic thought represents a comprehensive view of life and the universe.

A muslim is therefore required to acquire both religious and worldly knowledge. in fact, islam advocated knowledge at a time when the whole world was engulfed in ignorance. in a matter of years the early generation of muslims became a learned and refined people, for islam had awakened in them the faculty of intellect. those early muslims understood from the teachings of their religion that useful knowledge is necessary for the benefit of the self and of humanity. hence, they pursued it to such a degree that they surpassed other nations in development and productivity and carried the torch of civilization for many centuries.

Muslim history abounds with examples of scientific and cultural ingenuity. Muslims inherited the knowledge of the nations that came before them, developed it and placed it in the context of a precise moral framework. Muslim scholarship made a vital contribution to the enrichment and advancement of human civilization.

While Europe was still in the dark ages, religious Muslims were making great advances in the fields of medicine, mathematics, physics, astronomy, geography, architecture, literature, and history documentation to mention but a few. many important new procedures were transmitted to medieval Europe from Muslim regions, such as Arabic numerals with the principle of the zero vital to the advancement of mathematics and the use of algebra. sophisticated instruments, including the astrolabe and the quadrant, as well as good navigational maps, were first developed by Muslims. only after people lost sight of their religious beliefs and obligations did the scientific achievements of the Muslim world cease and fall into obscurity.

Similarly, Islam does not now oppose any modern inventions that are beneficial to mankind. it is sufficient that it can be used in the name of god and for his cause. in reality, machines, instruments and devices have no religion or homeland.

They can be used for either good or bad objectives, and the way they are used can affect much of the earth's population. even something so simple as a glass can be filled either with a nourishing drink or with a poison. television can provide education or immorality. it is up to the user to decide, and a Muslim is commanded to make good use of all the means at his disposal while being prohibited from causing harm to himself or others. failure to use the proper means toward benefit is, in effect, a deprecation of Islamic teachings.

A truly Islamic government is required to the best of its ability to provide all means that promote adequate education for its citizens. education is a right for all individuals and the required moral duty of every capable Muslim. all able, intelligent and skilled individuals in an Islamic society are required to educate themselves not only in the basics of their religion but in necessary worldly affairs. further, it is obligatory upon qualified people to study every beneficial field of knowledge. for example, since every society needs doctors, it becomes obligatory for some people to go into the field of medicine to fulfill the needs of society.

Advancements in science and technology are among the ways and means to achieve development of the muslim world. islam calls upon muslims to pursue knowledge in the broadest sense of the word. prophet muhammad said, "seeking knowledge is an obligation upon every muslim." [1] he also said, "for one who treads a path to knowledge, allah will make easy the path to paradise." [2] and the qur'an contains numerous references to knowledge and its importance, such as:

"indeed, in the creation of the heavens and the earth and the alternation of night and day are signs for those of understanding." [3]
"say, 'are those who know equal to those who do not know?''  [4]

"allah will raise those who have believed among you and those who were given knowledge by degrees."  [5]

Qur'anic verses encourage study and contemplation of the universe that surrounds us and is particularly concerned with those sciences that give human beings the ability to benefit from the world around them. while encouraging investigation, the qur'an contains references to a variety of subjects which have been shown to be scientifically accurate.[6] this is the fulfillment of god's statement over 14 centuries ago:

"we will show them our signs in the horizons and within themselves until it becomes clear to them that it is the truth." [7]

Thus, when a Muslim has a sincere and wholesome intention to obtain knowledge, it will also have a positive effect on his faith. for knowledge reinforces textual evidence for the existence of the almighty creator and assists in appreciation of the many scientific allusions found in the Qur'an.

There has never been an established scientific fact that contradicted the teachings of Islam. whatever modern science discovers only increases the Muslim's knowledge of god's magnificent creation. thus, Islam actively encourages scientific endeavors and the study of god's signs in nature. it also welcomes beneficial technological advances and allows people to enjoy the fruits of human ingenuity.

To a Muslim, conflict between science and religion is impossibility, for religion comes from god and so does his system of creation and development. the modern, purely materialistic approach to scientific and technological advancement has indeed granted man a measure of physical comfort, but not mental or spiritual comfort. Islam advocates the incorporation of knowledge within a just and balanced value system where anything beneficial for one's spiritual and worldly improvement is encouraged and advocated.


1. narrated by ibn majah.
2. narrated by muslim.
3. 3:190.
4. 39:9
5. 58:11
6. a few such examples were cited on pp. 27-28. , 41:53.
7. 41:53