Sunday, March 29, 2015

Page 123-127 (Correction of the Historical Errors About AL-WAHHABIYYAH)

The mission of Muhammad bin Abdul-Wahhab was first confronted from within. Right from the area in which the mission sprung up. Those who went against the mission are the so-called scholars with the selfish interest and they are bound to lose as soon as the masses are acquainted with teachings of the mission that is based on Qur'an and the Ahadith. As personal desire is blind, jealousy played a big role in the opponents' confrontation against the mission as said by an Arabian poet:-
They Envied him because they could not be like him 
The people became his enemies and opponents against him.
These opponents raised up to the extent of attacking the mission with all means at their disposal. They started dispatching letters from left to right that are aimed at causing people to shun away from his person and the mission, as was the patience of Ibn Suhaym, bin Muwais and other people whose names will follow:

Sheikh Muhammad replied to such letters and refuted their contents in his writhing.

These opponents and their mode  of oppositions based on their whims and caprices are outside of this work.


For now, let us expose their evil machination as stated in the Qur'an.
 فأما الزبد فيذهب جفاء وأما ما ينفع الناس فيمكث في الأرض 
 فأما الزبد فيذهب جفاء وأما ما ينفع الناس فيمكث في الأرض
As for the foam, it vanishes, [being] cast off; but as for that which benefits the people, it remains on the earth.

Both the two parties. Muhammad bin Abdul-Wahhab and his staunch opponents have departed this world. But, over a period of time, the sincerity and honesty of Sheikh Abdul-Wahhab came to lime light; as his mission continue to gain momentum in every part of the world. And a number of his opponents are now back to their senses having observed the truth, their mind is enlightened. while other opponents died, their works of opposition s against him has since vanished. This is indeed, the penalty in this world. For Allaah is aware of all secrets and that which the breast concealed.

Sheikh Abdul-Aziz Abdullaah bin Baz has categorized the opponents of Sheikh Muhammad bin Abdul-Wahhab into three groups.


First Group:

Consisted of the characterless scholars who saw the truth as falsehood and the falsehood ax tge truth. They believed in building domes and mosques over the graves anc invoking those in the graves for help and the like were right pertaining to islam. They also thought that whoever was against such things hated the righteius and the saint and that Jihad against him was compulsory.

Second group:

Was associated with the knowledge; bug they were ignorant of the reality if the sheikh Mission. They knew nothing about the truth ti which he was calling the people; they simply followed others anc believed whatever was said by the characterless, superstitious scholars. Consequently, they even believed that he had hated the Prophet (salallaahu alaihi wassalaam) and saint and denied their miracles. Therefore, they condemned him and kept aloof from him.

The third group:

Feared the removal of their positions and ranks. They showed him hostility so that the supporters of the Islamic mission might not reach them and remove their positions and take over their lands.

The most prominent opponents of this missions from within who dispatch letters to fifferent parts of the world, fabricated

Page -125-

Falsehood and rumours against Shaikh Muhammad Bin Abdul-Wahhab as the truth is on his side, they left some other placrs to continue spreading rumours, in which a numbet of Muslim and some scholars were convicted Below is the list of their names.

Suleiman bin Muhammad bin Suhaym whose name usually appears in the letters of Sheikh Muhammad bin Badul-Wahhab as the truth is on his side, they left some other places to continue spreading rumours , in which a number of Muslim and some scholars were convinced. Below is the list of their names.

Suleiman bin Muhammad bin Suhaym whose name usually appears in the letters of Sheikh Muhammad bin Abdul Wahhab, having written to a number of cities condemning the Sheikh and hi mission. He described many things, which did not happen at all. He was one of the scholars of Riyadh fell into the hands of the Saudi government, he migrated to Ahsa, and later to Al-Zubair in Iraq; he died living behind his children in the year 1181 AH.

Really, Suleiman and his children  belong to the family of learning, all of whom are against this mission. May be the secret behind this is jealousy of the scholars. Because Satan is desirous to break the ties of relationship even among the scholars.

Muhammad bin Abdullaah bin Fayrouz oroginated from Najd snd was born in Ahsa, he is considered as a great scholar. The Ottoman Governor of Basra, Abdullaah Agha developed an interest in him when he emigrated to Basra and stayed there till he died in the year 1216 H he left Al-Ahsa when the Saudi army were about to capture Al-Ahsa. He colllaborated with the Ottoman Governor in order to under root the mission of..


Muhammad bin Abdul-Wahhab. He was supported by most of his disciples wit he exception of Muhammad bin Rashid Al-Faliqi who emigrated to Medina and was appointed judge by Imam Saud bin Abdul Aziz, later he turned to be a propagator of this mission according ti the pious predecessors. He died in Cairo in 1257 AH, hence, many Egyptian s accepted this mission of Salafia from him.

Muhammad bin Abdur-Rehman bin Afaliq, was one of the eminent scholars of Ahsa, 1163 AH. He witnessed the beginning of the new mission; and he totally developed hatred toward it. Thus, he wrote a letter to Sheikh Muhammad bin Abdul-Wahhab challenging him and asking him the content of Surah Ad-Diyat (the Coursers)

He told him all the similitude, metaphor, allusions and rhetoric aspect found in the chapter. But, understanding the jinx of rhetoric and other figures of speech as Sheikh Abdullaah bin Bassam stated in his biography.

Abdullaah bin Issa Al-Muwaisi the judge of Hurma. He was repeatedly mentioned in the letters of Sheikh Muhammad and Sheikh Muhammad warned people against him by expounding  his activities to the people. The took place before its spread in Saudi Arabia.

Uthman bin Abdul Aziz bin Mansur who studied in Iraq. Some of his scholars are Dawud bin Jarjis and Muhammad...


Saturday, March 28, 2015

Page 119-122 (Correction of the Historical Errors About AL-WAHHABIYYAH)

Mischievous ideologies of communism, Masonism, existentialism, secularism, atheism and others, have confronted the world in general and the Muslims in particular. It is only Islam with purity of its creed that will enable the Muslims and arm them  with weapons to confront these mischievous ideologies. Allaah endowed the Muslims with peculiar characteristics of Obedience, love respect and brotherhood lead them to sacrifice their lives in totality for the sake of their religion.

But however. some opponents take advantage of the ignorants from among the Muslims to mislead them; since, it is very difficult for one to uncover their hidden motives. This can be traced to the books that are freely distributed in Europe and Africa that refer back to the distorted facts about the suspicion against many of their teachings and mission. As it is already known Christianity and Judaism have started declining not only in the Muslim countries but even in the West. This can be attributed to the rebellion against them in Europe. These two religions by the time they discovered that Muslims have started going back to the original sources of their religion in faith, worship and their day to day life, used another trick in order to divert their attention from the actual teachings of Islam. Many books against Islamic movement


and some outstanding reformers were published and distributed free of charge.

One of the Islamic callers in Africa told me that a scholar from among their people was trapped by such books to the extent that he went about condemning Muhammad Bin Abdul-Wahhab and his mission; thereby, depicting him with various defamatory  images as fabricated in those books written against his person and his mission. The Islamic caller asked the scholar "Have you ever read any book written by Sheikh Muhammad bin Abdul-Wahhab?. He replied: "No, but, what was said about him is enough". This caller was clever enough as he handed him a copy of 'Kitab Al-Tauhid" written by Sheikh Al-Islam Muhammad bin Abdul-Wahhab after removing the book cover " I would like you to read this book and pass your comment on it." He asked him. When the appointed time was due the scholar met the Islamic caller praising the book and its author, because the book contains the actual teachings of the Qur'an and the Sunnah of the Prophet and it is well arranged that every Muslim will
appreciate it and adopts it in effecting corrections on beliefs. The caller once again, handed another copy of the book written by Sheikh Ul-islam Muhammad bin Abdul Wahhab the founder of the recent  Islamic revivalism and reformation in accordance with the practice of the pious predecessors. And assured him that the test rest of the books written by Shiek..


Muhammad bin Abdul-Wahhab adopt a similar method. The scholar said Allaah alone is the most excellent in whom we trust. Formerly I was accusing the Sheikh with things that were unjustly attributed to him. What we read about him is different from what is written in his books. This is a pure teaching of monotheism as brought by the Prophet (salallaahu alaihi wasalaam) Muhammad  bin Abdullaah which he invited us to follow strictly.

Many decades ago, a similar instance took place in India when a debate was held between one named Al-Bakri and one eminent scholar of India in which at the end the scholar accepted the truth.

This is just a general view which every Muslim ought to pray his attention to. For no Muslim should allow anybody to brainwash his mind on things to do with faith and religion; be should try to delve into research so as to avoid some lapses in his religion. Since, failure to do this, will pave way for disunity among the Muslims; the beneficiaries of which are the non-Muslims and its arch-enemy. already they invested their wealth of experience-monetarily, materially and intentionally, so as to reap all benefits to detriment of Muslims.

We therefore pray to Allaah the almighty to unite the hearts of Muslims till the last hour as He united their hearts in the first instance as He revealed to Prophet Muhammad (salallaahu alaihi wassalaam)..


وَأَلَّفَ بَيْنَ قُلُوبِهِمْ ۚ لَوْ أَنفَقْتَ مَا فِي الْأَرْضِ جَمِيعًا مَّا أَلَّفْتَ بَيْنَ قُلُوبِهِمْ وَلَٰكِنَّ اللَّهَ أَلَّفَ بَيْنَهُمْ ۚ إِنَّهُ عَزِيزٌ حَكِيمٌ
And brought together their hearts. If you had spent all that is in the earth, you could not have brought their hearts together; but Allah brought them together. Indeed, He is Exalted in Might and Wise. 
[Quran Surah Al Anfal : 63] 

Certainly, the Jews and the Christians will never be pleased with Muslims until they spoil their religion by causing them to disunite among them as stated by Allaah the almighty in the Noble Qur'an:

وَلَن تَرْضَىٰ عَنكَ الْيَهُودُ وَلَا النَّصَارَىٰ حَتَّىٰ تَتَّبِعَ مِلَّتَهُمْ ۗ قُلْ إِنَّ هُدَى اللَّهِ هُوَ الْهُدَىٰ ۗ وَلَئِنِ اتَّبَعْتَ أَهْوَاءَهُم بَعْدَ الَّذِي جَاءَكَ مِنَ الْعِلْمِ ۙ مَا لَكَ مِنَ اللَّهِ مِن وَلِيٍّ وَلَا نَصِيرٍ
And never will the Jews or the Christians approve of you until you follow their religion. Say, "Indeed, the guidance of Allah is the [only] guidance." If you were to follow their desires after what has come to you of knowledge, you would have against Allah no protector or helper.
[Quran 2:120]

The last  generation of the Muslims can only be guided with things that guided the first Muslim generation/ The first generation as remarked by Imam Malik. The first Muslim generation was only guided by the pure Islamic creed, free from all Innovation and superstitious and our last generation must follow the same path for their guidance.


Friday, March 27, 2015

Page 117-118 (Correction of the Historical Errors About AL-WAHHABIYYAH)

researchers who came from the west and other orientalists i.e free people, Italians, Germany, they wrote many things about Islam and Muslims in North Africa in particular and everywhere in the world in general.

This mission gained many supporters, especially in North Africa, as mentioned earlier on in many instances, people who showed their hostility towards this mission then did it out of personal interest. Therefore they use anything possible to see that the Islamic mission is hindered from going anywhere but it was too late.

The founder of this mission Muhammad Bin Abdul Wahhab followed the steps of those revivalists and scholars expound in the Islamic History i.e Ibn Taymiyyah Ahmed Ibn Abdul Haleem who died in the year 728 AH, and Ibn Qayyum Al Jauziyya in Damascus who died in the year 751 AH, Ash Shatibi of Granada in Andalus who died in the year 790 AH and Al-Izz Bin Abdus-Salam who died in the 660 AH, in Egypt.

Islamic history witnessed a number of scholar, at any period when the Ummah deviate from the real teachings of Islam, a reformer or revivalist will rise from among them to put them straight; by ensuring that the real teachings of Islam as taught by the pious predecessors is in practice. Many knowledgeable scholars and thinkers, from Arab Muslims and others have stated this fact. Professor Abdullaah Bin...


Sa'ad Bin Ruwaishid in his book titled " Imam Muhammad Bin Abdul-Wahhab in History", said: About school of thought certified the role played by the mission every where in the Muslim world.


Page 112-116 (Correction of the Historical Errors About AL-WAHHABIYYAH)

Some people from the tribe of Muhammad Bin Abdul-Wahhab went against his mission. This is owing to the fact that their worldly needs are poles apart with his mission. They distorted all his Good acts to the extent of defaming his person and the mission. However, he attempted to refuse all these allegations against him and the mission. Thus, he struggled to point out to the people that all his belief and actions are in accordance with the teachings of the Noble Qur'an and the Prophetic guidance.

Now we should briefly have a look at his opponents and their mode of opposition. So that the seeker of truth will find it easy to ascertain the truth.

Whosoever dwelt on the writings his opponents will reason with the fact that they are all baseless. As all their expositions never dwelt on the writings of his opponents will reason with the fact that they are all baseless. As all their expositions never coincide with the true teachings of his mission; neither that of his disciples, nor of his children and grandchildren. All their misconceived utterances about his preaching should always fall within the following categories.

Some of the misconceived terms in his preaching are unjustly attributed to his person and the mission. After all their origin would have justifiably traced down from the ancient generation, that lived in the antiquities of time. But,..


his stand remain firm as it conforms with the teachings of Ahlus-Sunnah-Wal-Jama'a scholars i.e. the likes of Shaikul Islam Ibn Taymiyyah in Syria, Imam Ash-Shatibi, Al-Izz Bin Abdus-Salam in Egypt (660 AH).

Others fabricated things that are never found in his books, neither that of his disciples or that of his children. Those who lied against his person and the mission are numerous, camouflaging from one form to another. But, inspite of their disguise the learned Sheikh refuted all their arguments in a number if his treatise. For example, he said in one of his letters to the people of Al-Qaseem in which he stated:

"You are really aware that I know that the letter of Suleiman Bin Sohaim reached you and some knowledgeable people among you agreed with its content. You all know that what this man said against me is mere falsehood and fabricated lies, which I have no idea whatsoever about.

He further stated in that letter that I do not agree with the books in the four schools of law of Islamic Jurisprudence. He asserted that is my saying that all people that lived six hundred years back were not on anything rather on ignorance. He claimed that I am a Mujtahid and knowledgeable person who can deduct a law from the original source. Hence, I do not follow any school of law; and I considered the differences in opinion of the scholars as nothing but a disaster, and hinder anybody to invoke or...


implore for help from God though the Pious people, as it is nothing but an act of unbelievers. He reasserted that Al-Busiri to me is not a Muslim, because of his saying:

"O! The holder of the creatures I dont have anybody to take refuge in him except You"

He claimed that "I said, If I have the power to destroy the dome of the Prophet (salallaahu alaihi wasalaam) I will destroy it. If I have the power on Ka'bah I will take its gutter and reconstruct it into a modern one. He also stated that I prohibited visiting the graveyard of the Prophet (salallaahu alaihi wasalam) and I stopped the visitation of the grave of the parents and others. ANybody who take oath in anything but Allaah is a Kafir. And to me even Al-Faridh and Ibn Arabi are not Muslims, I also set " Dala ilu Khairati" on fire and book titled "Raudu Rayahiin" i.e "The Oasis of the basils" (is nothing but Oasis) of shaitan.

However, my answer to all these slanders against me on the said issues, is to say: Glory be to my Lord. This is a mere slander and defamation of image. Because, we are aware that before this man other people raised false accusation against the Prophet (salallaahu alaihi wasalam). They claimed that the Prophet  (salallaahu alaihi wasalam), was abusing Jesus son of Mary and other pious people. Those people who raised this blasphemy against the prophet (salallaahu alaihi wasalam) and this man share a common heart in telling lies and fabrication of evils against others.

These two examples shown above, include the failure of those opponents who confronted the followers of Sheikh..


Muhammad Bin Abdul-Wahhab were defeated and after that they started accusing Sheikh Muhammad and his mission in order to create confusion and cause chaos among the people. This is because they could not say exactly what happened when the discussion was in session. They know that people will blame them. Thus, they resorted to telling lies against Shaikh Muhammad and his mission.

Some accusations were directed at him in the form of half statement of Sheikh Muhammad, or a saying which can take different meanings, they attributed such incomplete sentences to Sheikh Muhammad, just like somebody reading the first part of the verse from the Qur'an:

"Ah  woe unto worshippers." And keep quiet without reading the next verse. This kind of accusation can also include their saying that the followers of Muhammad bin Abdul Wahhab are not invoking prayers to the prophet (salallaahu alaihi wasalam) and they do not believe in his message; no sensible person can agree With it. It is not far from the truth that all people who wrote against Muhammad Bin Abdul Wahhab and his mission didnt read any of his books, be it in belief, jurisprudence, Islamic legal system, Tafsir (exegies) and Prophetic biography and he didn't have any discussion on any idea of the saying of Sheikh Muhammad. The people making such accusations were only.moved by their ulterior motives. Therefore, conveyed all defects and accusations passed against the ancient Wahhabiyya originated by Abdul...


Wahhab Bin Abdur Rehman Al Rustum the kharijite which was condemned by the knowledgeable scholars of his time, in maghrib and andalus attributed such false accusations to the real teachings of Muhammad Bin Abdul Wahhab who based his mission on the Noble Quran and Sunnah.

The two names are Abdul Wahhab Bin Abdur Rehman and Muhammad Bin Abdul Wahhab share something in common that is "Abdul-Wahhab". Abdul Wahhab bin Abdur Rehman because of his bad beliefs. The Ulama gave religious verdict against him and his organization (Al-Wahbiyya or Al-Wahhabiyya) and associates that Muslims must shun away from him.

The scholars of Maghrib who actively stood against any mission that is contrary to the teachings of Sunnah made important work in that  area by stopping any heretic ideology in the maghrib. The missions of Abul Wahhab bin Rustum  and the ideologies of Fatimids of Ubaiydys  were fought by such scholars. Also they strived to control their areas against the colonial invasion in North Africa and its environs. The  enemies of Islam do not like the pure teachings of the Prophet (salallaahu alaihi wassalaam) to be taken into cognizance. Such a mission that is Divine, simply, naturally penetrates into the minds and create a sense of changing and call people to harmony and unity; no power can destroy them. Therefore, they gathered their power together to annihilate the mission from sixteen (16) roots this can be traced in the writings of a number of ..


The Misconception of the Opponents

Thursday, March 19, 2015

Gamitin ang HIkmah pagdating sa Pagkakasalungat

Assalaamu Alaikum Warahmatullaahi Wabarakaatuh.

Hindi nakapagtataka kung may pagkakaiba ng opinyon ang mga pantas o scholar/ ulama sa mga usapin at alituntunin ng Islam [Masa'il Fiqhiyah] sanhi ng kanilang pagkakaiba ng pagkaunawa sa mga katibayan [Daleel] o sanhi ng pagkakaiba ng mga nauna pa sa kanila na mga pantas o maalam...

Dapat natin malaman na sa ganitong usapin ay isa lamang ang tama; subalit ang dalawang pantas na nagkasalungatan sa pagkaintindi ay pawang may gantimpala mula sa ALLAH, doble ang gantimpala ng nakatama at may gantimpala ang nagkamali sa pagkaintindi ng Daleel o katibayan at patatawarin ng Allah ay kanyang pagkakamali na sinikap niyang maunawaan ang tamang hatol o Huk'm.

Sinabi ng Sugo ng Allah [sumakanya ang kapayapaan]:" Kapag naghatol ang Hukom at nagsumikap [sa pagtuklas ng tamang hatol] at tama ang kanyang hatol ay doble ang kanyang gantimpala; at kapag nagbigay naman ng hatol at nagsumikap [sa pagtuklas ng tamang hatol] at nagkamal siya; mapapasakanya ang isang gantimpala". 

Al-Bukhari (6919), Muslim (4584).

...Ang mga naunang mga pantas/ maalam [ulama] ay nagkakaiba rin sila ng opinyon sa maraming usapin ngunit hindi naman ito humahantong sa pag-aaway, pagmumurahan, pang-aalipusta at pagpapahiya sa kapatid.

Sinabi ni Imam Ahmad bin Hanbal [Rahimahullah]:" Walang (naghirap) tumawid ng tulay papuntang Khurasan na tulad ni Ishaq bin Rahawey kahit na nasasalungat niya tayo sa ilang usapin. 

[Siyar A'alamin Nubala 11/ 371].

Sinabi ni Yunos bin Abdul A'ala:" Wala na akong nakitang mas matalino pa kay As-Shafi'e; isang araw nagdebate kami tungkol sa isang usapin at pagkatapos ay kami'y naghiwalay; at ako'y nasalubong, hinawakan ang aking kamay at sinabi:


[ Siyar A'alamin Nubala 9/19].

Sinabi naman ni Abu Haneefah:"... Ito ang ating opinyon at hindi natin ito ipinipilit sa sinuman, at hindi natin sinasabing dapat tanggapin ito ng sinuman nang sapilitan; kung sinuman ang mayroon pa sa kanya ang mas tama pa rito ay ipahayag lamang. 

[Al-intiqa 258].

kahit na sina Abu Bak'r at Omar sumakanila nawa ang kaluguran ng Allah ay minsa'y nagkakasalungat rin at hindi naman humahantong sa pag-aaway at pagputol ng kapatiran.

kaya! Aking ipinapayo, una sa aking sarili at sa lahat ng mga mananampalataya na sikaping magkaraoon ng tamang paraan kapag nasalungat niya ang kanyang kapatid sa isang usapin at laging gamitin ang HIKMAH (wisdom) upang maiparating ng tama ang katotohanan sa lahat ng tao. —

Sinaliksik ni: Salamodin D. Kasim

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Ang Pagiging Mabuti sa mga Magulang ( بر الوالدين)

Ang sabi ni Allah: At itinagubilin namin sa tao na maging mabuti sa kanyang mga magulang…''

[Qur'an 29 :8 ]

"At iniatas ng iyong Panginoon na wala kayong sasambahin kundi Siya lamang at (inatasan Niya rin kayo ) na maging mabait sa mga magulang. Kung ang isa sa kanila o kapuwa sila ay dinatnan ng katandaan sa iyong piling huwag mo siyang pagsalitaan ng lapastangang pananalita at huwag mo silang bulwayan sa halip ay kausapin mo sila sa pamamagitan ng mapitagang pangungusap."

[Qur'an 17:23 ]

''At itinagubilin namin sa inyo na (maging masunurin at mabuti ) sa mga magulang. Ang kanyang ina ang nagdala sa kanya ( sa sinapupunan nito) na nanghina ng nanghina (noong siya’y ipinagbubuntis) at ang pag-awat sa pagpapasuso sa kanya ay tumagal ng dalawang taon. (Kaya) magpasalamat ka sa Akin (Allah) at sa iyong mga magulang…''

[Qur'an  31 : 14 ]

Ayon kay Abdullah bin Mas’ood (رضى الله عنه):’ Tinanong ko ang Propeta (صلى الله عليه وسلم): “Ano pong gawain ang pinakamainam?” Ang sabi niya: “Ang pagsasagawa ng Salah sa takdang sandali nito.” Ang sabi ko: “Ano pa po?” Ang sabi niya: “Ang paggawa ng mabuti sa mga magulang.” Ang sabi ko muli: “ Ano pa po?”Ang sabi niya: “Ang pakikipaglaban (Jihad) alang-alang kay Allah.”

Ayon kay Abu Hurayrah (رضى الله عنه): May isang lalaking dumating at nagsabi sa Sugo ni Allah (صلى الله عليه وسلم) na: “ O Sugo ni Allah’ sino po sa mga tao ang higit na karapat-dapat sa aking magandang pakikisama? Ang sabi niya (صلى الله عليه وسلم): “Ang iyong ina.” Ang sabi muli ng lalaki: “Sino pa po?”Ang sabi niya (صلى الله عليه وسلم): “ Ang iyong ina.” Ang sabi muli ng lalaki: “Sino pa po?”Ang sabi niya (صلى الله عليه وسلم): “ Ang iyong ina.” Ang sabi muli ng lalaki: “Sino pa po?”Ang sabi niya (صلى الله عليه وسلم): “ Ang iyong ama.”

Monday, March 2, 2015

Ang Katayuan ni Hesus sa ISLAM

Ang lahat ng papuri ay para sa Allah lamang, at ang kapayapaan at mapasa huling Propeta Muhammad (SAS).

Noong likhain ng Maykapal ang ating ama na si Adan, ang mga tao ay sumasamba sa nag-iisang Diyos.  Dahil iyon ang dakilang utos mula pa noong unang panahon, ang pagsamba sa Nag-iisang tagapaglikha, at ang pagsamba na ito ay sa pamamagitan ng pagkilalla sa kanya sa tamang paraan at sa pamamagitan ng pagsamba sa Kanya sa paraang Kanyang ipinag-utos.

Nguni’t sa katagalan, nanghimasok ang Satanas sa kanila upang sila ay kanyang maligaw mula sa tuwid na landas.  Kabilang sa mga taong ito ay ang mga taong mabubuti.  Nang sila ay mamatay, bumulong ang satanas sa mga tao:  Magtayo kayo ng mga monumento para sa kanila, upang sa tuwing makikita niyo ang mga ito, nagpapaalala sa inyo na gumawa ng mabuti.  At sa katagalan, nang mangamatay na ang mga taong gumawa ng monumento, hindi na alam ng mga sumunod na henerasayon kung bakit may mga REBULTONG nakatayo, at bumulong muli ang Satanas; ang mga rebultong yan ay may mga kapangyarihan, magbigay kayo ng pagpupugay at debosyon at sambahin niyo sila.  Kaya sinamba sila ng mga tao.  At nagpadala ang  Allah ng mga Propeta na sa tuwing ang mga tao, may mga gabay sa kanila sa tuwid na landas na pagsamba sa Nag-iisang Diyos.

Ipinadala Niya si Noe (Noah (AS)) upang ibalik ang mga tao sa Allah mula sa pagiging diboto ng mga ito sa mga rebulto.  Pagkawala ni Noe, muling bumalik nang mga tao sa pagiging diboto sa mga nilikha.  Kaya nagpadala muli Siya ng mga Propeta at mga sugo.  Kaya’t bumalik ang mga tao sa pagsamba sa tunay na Diyos, at pagkatapos ay natatangay na naman sila ng satanas sa pagsamba sa mga huwad na diyus-diyusan.  At ganoon ang takbo ng panahon, papalit-palit, ika nga sa kasabihan: “history repeats itself”.

Kabilang sa mga Propeta at sugo na ipadala ng Allah upanggabayan ang kanilang mga tao o bayan mula sa pagsamba sa mgahuwad na diyus-diyusan ay: Noe,  Saleh,  Hud,  Abraham, lot,  Ismael,  Isaac,  Jacob,  Joseph,  Joseph,  Jonah,  Moises,  Aaron, David,  Solomon,  Juan Bautista, Hesu Kristo at ang pinaka-huling Propeta na si Muhammad (sumakanila nawa ang kapayapaan).

At kabilang sa mga propeta at mensaherong ito ay si Hesu kristo (sumakanya nawa ang kapayapaan).  Dahil siya ay napapaloob sa mga linya ng mga Propeta na ipinadala upang ibalik ang kanyang mga bayan muli sa Allah.

Sabi ni hesus sa Qur’an:
“Sabi  niya (Hesus): “Ako ay alipin ng Allah, binigay sa akin ang Aklat (Ebanghelyo) at ginawa akong propeta”.

At sinabi din ng Bibliya;
“Ito ay si Hesusang propeta sa Nazaret” (Mateo 21:11)
“Si Hesus, na isang propeta…”(Lukas 24:19)

At ayon din  sa salita ni Hesus na hindi siya dumating dumating upang baguhin ang batas, bagkus upang ituloy at ipatupad ang batas na pagsamba sa Nag-iisang tagapaglikha.

Ayon sa turo ng Isalm tungkol sa katayuan ni Hesus, siya ay mula sa lahi ni Propeta Abraham mula sa anak niyang si Isaac at mula sa anak nitong si Jacob.  Linya ng mga Propeta.

Ang kuwento ni Maria bago at pagkatapos maisilang si Hesus (sumakanya nawa ang kapayapaan) ayon sa Qur’an 19:16.

Na noong si Maria ay nag-iisa sa silid upang siya ay mag-alay ng mga debosyon at panalangin sa Allah, Dumating sa kanya ang Anghel Gabriel sa porma ng isang tao.  At nagparating sa kanya ng magandang balita.  Na si Maria ay magkaroon ng anak na lalaki.

At nagtaka si Maria: “Paano ako magkaroon ng anak samantalang wala namang lalaking humawak sa akin?.

Ang sabi ng “sabi ng iyong Panginoon; “iyon ay madali lamng para sa akin.”

Kaya sa kapangyarihan at kapahintulutan ng allah, si Maria ay nagdalantao, na siya si Hesus (sumakanay nawa ang kapayapaan). At ayon pa rin sa Qur’an, nang isilang ni Maria si Propeta Hesus, dahil sa hirap na dala ng panganganak, sinabi sa kanya ng Anghel na ugain ang puno ng datiles at ginawa nga niya ito.  At nangalaglag ang mga bunga nito sa kanya para makain niya.  At sa pagbalik ni Maria sa kanyang bayan kasama ang sanggol na si hesus, nagtaka ang mga tao.  At kanilang Inakusahan si Maria, dahil nga siya ay nagkaroon ng anak samantalang wala naman siyang asawa.  At sa puntong iyon, bilang pangangalaga ng Allah sa kanyang alipin na si Maria, ay pinagsalita niya si Hesus habang ito ay nasa kanyang duyan; “Ako ang alipin ng Allah, binigay sa akin ang aklat at ginawa akong Propeta, at  ginawa  akong  mabiyaya  saan  man  ako  maparoon, at ipinag-utos sa akin ang pagdarasal at kawang-gawa habang ako ay nabubuhay.”   At iyon ang unang himala na  pinamalas ni Propeta Hesus, ang pagtatanggol sa kanyang ina mula sa bintang ng mga tao.

At sa paglaki ni Hesus kanyang ipinagaral na sumamba lamang sa nag-iisang Diyos na Tagapaglikha.  At ganoon din ay pinahintulutan siya ng Allah na magpamalas ng iilang mga himala upang patunayan na siya ay sugo ng Panginoon.  Kabilang ang pagbuhay ng mga patay, pagpapagaling ng mga ketongin, papapadilat ng mga bulag, at marami pa.

At sa kanyang pangangaral, nagkaroon ng inggit ang mga matataas na pinuno ng simbahan ng mga hudyo, at hanggang sa kanilang binalak na patayin si Kristo.

Nguni’t HINDI ito pinayagan ng Allah.  Bagkus ay inangat si Hesus sa pangalawang langit,  Buhay at hindi dumanas ng kamatayan.  Bagkus ay ibang tao ang apinamukha sa kanila ng Allah at siya ay kanilang kanilang pinako.  Sabni sa Qur’an: “At hindi nila siya napatay, at hindi naipako, Nguni’t ipinamukha lamang sa kanila.” At siya ay babalik muli, upang ipagpatulo ang kanyang buhay sa mundo, na kung saan ay tinawag na muling pagbalik ni Hesus (sumakanya nawa ang kapayapaan).
Katayuan niya sa Islam

Sinabi ng Allah na sinabi ni Hesus (sumakanya nawa ang kapayapaan):
“O mga angkan ni Israel, katotohanan na ako ay isang sugo ng Allah sa inyo.  Na aking pinatunayan ang Torah, at tagapagdala ng magandang balita sa inyo ng isang sugo pagkatapos ko na ang pangalan ay Ahmad (Muhammad).”

Sa madaling sabi: si Hesus ay isang Sugo para sa mga Israel. At hindi para kanino pa man.  “Hindi ako ipinadala liban sa naliligaw na tupa  ng Israel.” Bibliya.

Isang dakilang sugo Propeta ng Allah,  na sa kanaya rin ipinagkaloob ang salita ng Allah sa Aklat o Kapahayagan ng Ebanghelyo.  Wala siyang ipinagkaiba sa kanyang mga ninuno, Abraham, David…

At sa katuruan ng Islam; Si Hesus ay isang tao, Kakaiba nga lang ang paraan ng paglikha sa kanaya, ngunit siya pa rin ay tao.  Tulad lamang ni adan at ni Eba, ibang paraan ang paglikha sa kanila, nguni’t sila ay mga tao.  Ganoon din na sinabi ng Allah; “Hindi nararapat sa Allah na magkaroon Siya ng Anak, kaluwalhatian  sa kanya, kapag mayroon Siyang ninais mangyari, sasabihin lamang Niya: “kun!” mangyari at ito nga ang mangyayari.”

At si Hesus din ay hindi kabahagi ng maykapal na Tagapaglikha sa Kanyang pagka-Diyos. Siya ay isang Propeta, Sugo, at Alipin ng Allah.  Ipinadala siya sa Israel.  Kaya nararapat lamang na hindi tayo mag-alay ng anumang debosyon,  o pag-aalay o pagsamba sa kanya.

Aklat bibliya (Sampung utos) sabi ng tagapaglikha:

“Huwag kayong sasamba ng ibang Diyos liban sa akin.’

Sabi ng Allah sa Qur’an:

“Walang Diyos maliban sa Akin, kaya sambahin Ako lamang.”

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