Thursday, June 18, 2015

Page 136-140 (Correction of the Historical Errors About AL-WAHHABIYYAH)

enemies of Islam deliberately invented such things, in order to cause confusion among the Muslims with the sole aim of crippling the confidence of the people on any sincere person who strive to call the people to the path of Allaah. In short, today's journalism is typical of such distortion of facts.

The enemies of Islam always hate any religious acts that can purify the heart and keep its followers under one umbrella as brethren. Nothing can unify the Muslim lives except a creed of faith which is  free from superstition and innovation. The opponents of Islam will definitely mobilize their friends to destabilize the Muslim brotherhood. As it happened in Palestine, the youth uprising and revolt against Israeli authorities; the youth always stone the Jews with pebbles, cheering and chanting Allaahu Akbar! Allaah is the greatest! The Israelis are afraid simply because the children of Intifada call for Jihad. Therefore, the Israeli authorities announceed in the media that the country is being confronted by communist rebellion. This is aimed at diverting the world's attention from noticing the Islamic resurgence. Indeed, there are number of examples in any place at every period of time.

Al-Watri was born in Al-Madinah in the year 1261 AH he was a contemporary of Professor Ahmad Al-Ammari who edited his dissertation on the trial of Salafiyyah in Maghreb.


He posed many questions pertaining to it, which goes as follows.

Wasn't Watri's intention to follow up the activities of Wahhabiyya in Magreb as he did the same thing in the East? Why did the sultan of the Turks and his Governor in Egypt try to suppress the mission of Muhammad bin Abdul-Wahhab' can't it be attributed to sectionalism, nepotism of Sufi order agianst Salafiyah or any other hidden ulterior motive?

We are going to answer all these questions and the reason on which AL-Watri relied upon.

Certainly. Al-Watri benefited from the vested interests that people of Maghreb directed toward Salafiyah when they received the letter of Imam Sau'd bin Abdul Aziz in the year 1225 AH hamdun bin Haji Al-Fasi to compile a reply of the letter. Thus, he composed a poem eulogizing the Imam Ibn Sa'ud as instructed by Al-Maula. An excerpt of the poem goes as follows:

You really carry a heavy task which nobody can carry.

May Allaah reward you with his bounties. The armed robbers in Hijaz are stopped.

With penalty of killing or crucifying

Their Hands and feet cut off from opposite side.


or to be exiled from the land.

With the application of Shari'a Hijas is blessed with fountain water

Nothing can prevent pilgrimage and visitation to the holy Mosques.

the way to Hijaz is secure.

And the doves in the Haram are secure.

Imam Sa'ud appeared.

Eradicationg innovations and superstitions,

Concoted by both Arab and Non-ARabs.
