Thursday, November 20, 2014

Page 86-87 (Correction of the Historical Errors About AL-WAHHABIYYAH)

Tahirt of Algeries. He talked about Abdul-Wahhab (the second leader of the Rustumi Ibadite dynasty). He was of Persian orogin. He was one of those who were chosen Imam during the lifetime of his father. The father decreed that one of them be chosen after one month of his death in the year 171 H. He had peculiar characteristics that could bot have been found in any other Ibadite prince.

He was a jurist, a scholar and a warrior and he held many other positions till the end of his life. Historians are not certain about the day of his death; Al-Zarkali is in favour of 190 AH. From this brief explanation compiled by French writers and even from within we were able to read a lot of documents; some of which we have not even seen.

Abdur-Rahman Al-Rustumi has made Tahirt his ideological center. He started a debate with the Sunnah scholars and the Shi'ites whose of Hijrah, it was called the Fatimid dynasty where in 296 AH ABdullaah the shi'ite was able to destroy the Rustumi dynasty.

From what we have stated so far, we should be able to understand their deviation as their belief is in conformity with the teachings of the Prophet صلى االله عليه وسلم . The roots of this scholars and Jurists of the Maghrib rely upon in order to condemn the belief of the sect.


The colonialists and others with ulterior motives seized this opportunity to water the seeds of discord they had already sown. Freely intermingling the former ideals of the Abdul-Wahhab's puritan ideals and claimed that any reformist who is trying to divorce Muslim beliefs from innovations from the former Wahhabiyya was indeed a deviant.

The mission of Muhammad Bin ABdul-Wahhab and those following his steps was in acordance with the original teachings of Islam, which remained unchanged for three centuries, no innovations, no superstitions. With the exception of the Kharajites who were fought by different Muslim group starting from Ali Bin ABi Talib رضي الله عه to those Muslim leaders who followed his steps.


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