Friday, March 27, 2015

Page 117-118 (Correction of the Historical Errors About AL-WAHHABIYYAH)

researchers who came from the west and other orientalists i.e free people, Italians, Germany, they wrote many things about Islam and Muslims in North Africa in particular and everywhere in the world in general.

This mission gained many supporters, especially in North Africa, as mentioned earlier on in many instances, people who showed their hostility towards this mission then did it out of personal interest. Therefore they use anything possible to see that the Islamic mission is hindered from going anywhere but it was too late.

The founder of this mission Muhammad Bin Abdul Wahhab followed the steps of those revivalists and scholars expound in the Islamic History i.e Ibn Taymiyyah Ahmed Ibn Abdul Haleem who died in the year 728 AH, and Ibn Qayyum Al Jauziyya in Damascus who died in the year 751 AH, Ash Shatibi of Granada in Andalus who died in the year 790 AH and Al-Izz Bin Abdus-Salam who died in the 660 AH, in Egypt.

Islamic history witnessed a number of scholar, at any period when the Ummah deviate from the real teachings of Islam, a reformer or revivalist will rise from among them to put them straight; by ensuring that the real teachings of Islam as taught by the pious predecessors is in practice. Many knowledgeable scholars and thinkers, from Arab Muslims and others have stated this fact. Professor Abdullaah Bin...


Sa'ad Bin Ruwaishid in his book titled " Imam Muhammad Bin Abdul-Wahhab in History", said: About school of thought certified the role played by the mission every where in the Muslim world.


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