Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Page 72-76 (Correction of the Historical Errors About AL-WAHHABIYYAH)

adopted this nickname for the mission, for their desires. From outside, people with similar motives also joined the bandwagon. This was the reason behind divisions among Muslims and distortion of facts taught by the Prophet صلى الله عليه و سلم and his guide Caliphs. Really this nickname has conformed to the ulterior motives of Islam's who always wish to sow seeds of discord and rattle Islam's united front and cause chaos. They aim to break of all Muslims. Enjoins of Allaah and to destroy the brotherhood of all Muslims. Enjoins of Islam have good relationship among all its followers.

Prophet Muhammad صلر الله عليه و سلم said:
"The smile of the believers in their love of mercy is like an entire body; if one organ is sick, the rest of the body will answer with pain and fever."

[Reported by Al-Tirmidhi]

 The nickname was used in order to create a spirit of enmity and hatred. They are certain that when Islam has a common front they will definitely lose. From another perspective illiteracy in Muslim communities was particularly high; people were only taught superficial knowledge by half-baked scholars. Whatever comes from the court is swallowed hook, line and sinker by the populace. There are scholars who are learned and versatile though these have limited reach and the information disseminated from them may not reach all nooks and crannies. Sheikh Abdullaah Bin Abdul Ganiy Al-Khayat, the Chief Imam of the holy Mosque in Makkah had written...


in his weekly column in Okaz (a weekly Newspaper which published every Tuesday) that Mr. Ahmad 'Ali Al-khazimi writes (in one of his book) a British officer called Harvard who stayed in Iraq as a political deputy (1199 to 1209 AH) was a contemporary of Imam Muhammad. He also had dealings with the Amir Saud Bin Abdul Aziz who became the 3rd ruler in the Saudi government, which came into power after his father was killed in 1218 AH.

This Officer wrote a brief History of Wahhabiyyah. He says:
"It was announced by the great gate that Ibn Sa'ud was preventing people from visiting Al-Madinah; but the correct thing was that he was preventing them from wielding the axe of polytheism at the 'Radhaha secluded portion of the Prophet's Mosque as he prevented visits to the graves of saints"

The masses have assumed that Wahhabiyyah, the mission of Sheikh Muhammad Bin Abdul-Wahhab as Salafi- as explained by the official scholars and others. It is infidelity and anybody who follows it is also an infidel.

Such details of creed are familiar to any one with interests in such studies and they know that Abdul-Wahhab and his followers are on the right path; that is Qur'an and the Sunnah...


But with regard to jurisprudence-they belong to the Hunbli which cannot considered to be 5th school of law as they claim. This causes disdain and abhorence (people shy away from this regiment). The Hanbali school of though was taken to Najd about a century before Abdul-Wahhab was born. Those students who studied in Egypt were the followers of this school of thought. Formerly Maliki and Hanafi were the popular school of though in Najd.

Burkhart has spoken the truth when he was quoted to have said:

Almost all the rumours about  Wahhabiyyah have come out of misconception of the mission of Wahhabiyyah. This mission is nothing but eternal purification of Islam.

This statement was elucidated by a non Muslim, but an objective realist, who does not shy away from the truth. A similar statement was uttered by people like Prof. Mann Haroun in his rejoinder to the English writer Contrails. An American Researchers Lathrob Steward in his book 'The Muslim world Today' and the orientalist German, karl proclaimed in his book 'The History of the Muslim Nations' which gave a thorough analysis and study of this movement in Vol IV and the German historian Dacoport Von Mykos, in his book 'Abdul Aziz' published in Germany ib 1953.


Prof. Delfored Cantoe in His book 'Islam as viewed by the West, and the French scholar Bernard Louis, in his book 'Arabs in History', the Austrian Orientalist Gould Zihr, in his book ' Belief and Shariah (legal System)' the English Orientalist Sidion in his book 'A General History of the Arabs'. in his book 'A General History of the Arabs'.

'Encyclopedia Britannica', which stated that Wahhabiyyah is the name of a movement aimed at the purification of Islam. Its followers follow the teachings of prophet صلى الله عليه و سلم alone and they neglect anything else. The enemies of Wahhabiyyah are the enemies of correct Islam.

While in the Muslim countries, there are also objective voices that said the truth and nothing but the truth which must be conveyed to the people about the mission of Abdul Wahhab. They include Sheikh Muhammad Bashir As-Sahasawany (India) in his book "Shielding Man from the insinuation of Dahlan."

Sheikh Mahmoud Shukry Al-Alousi an Iraqi author, in a book which he wrote about the history of Najd, Sheikh Ahmad Bin Sa'eed Al-Baghadadi from Iraq in his book 'Litrary men in comparison.'

Sheikh Jumalueddeen Al-Qassimi, Sheikh Abdul-Razzaq Al-Bitar, Sheikh Al-Jaza'iri and Sheikh Muhammad Kamil Al-Gahassab from Syria all these scholars have studied this...


movement and were astonished with their findings and endorsed Wahhabiyyah in their society (Syria).

This caused the Ottoman Sultanate to take Sheikh Jumaluddeen Al-Qassim to court where he was acquitted.

This beside the opinion of many scholars i.e. As-Sayed Muhammad Ridha in his boo, titled 'Wahhabis and Hijaz' and a number or articles written by him, published in Al-Manara Magazine.

Muhammad Kurd Ali, Shukaib Arsalan, Philip Hitti, Amin Sa'eed, Ali Al-Tantawi, Al-Zakali, Muhammad Jamil Bayhim, 'Umar Abu An-Nasr and Abdul Muta'al Al-Sa'eedi In his book "The Reformers".

Hamid Al-Fagi, in his book " The Imapct of Wahhabi Mission"

Abdul-Aziz Bakr in << Arabic Literature and its history>> 

Mustapha Al-Hafnawiy and Dr. Ahmad Ameen in " The Leaders of Revivalism"

Muhammad Qassim, "History of Europe", Mama Al-Qattan, "The Islamic Call".

Abdul Kareem Bin Khateeb in "Muhammad Bin Abdul Wahhab" Muhammad Zia Ud-Deen in " Al-Irshad. 1373 AH".

Dr. Muhammad Bin Abdullaah Madhi, "Muslim World Today"


Page 66-71 (Correction of the Historical Errors About AL-WAHHABIYYAH)

Had the one entrusted with the message i.e the Prohet صلى الله عليه و سلم returned to the earth on that time; and had he seen those who pretended to be Muslims he would have been angry.

This witness as elucidated by Sheikh Abdullaah Khayyat, the Chief Imam of Holy Mosque in Makkah was stipulated by an objective enemy who did not embrace Islam describing the real situation of the Muslim society in the 12th century of Hijra and how it reached, the total colapse and backwardness.

Amir Shukaib Arsalan in narrating what was happening in those days:
"If one of the Islamic Philosophers will try to describe the real situation of the Muslims in the last centuries, he would not be able to reach to the core as the case is with Steward the American Philosopher."

Najd and the Arabian peninsula at that particular  time were not different from other Muslim Nations as falsehood overpowered truth in many Muslim countries; superstition and innovation were the order of the day. These practices were performed in the presence of the scholars, who are incapable of effecting changes in the society; instead, they mislead the people and corrupted their faith. Thus, two historians from Najd: Hussain Bin Ghannam Al-Ahsa' (1225 AH) and Uthman Bin Bishr (1290) stipulated typical...


situation of the Muslim society concerning faith and worship, particularly in Najd.

Hussain Bin Ghannam witnessed the beginning of the mission of Muhammad Bin Abdul-Wahhab, noted remarks in the cause of his mission. He really loved this mission, as he documented its events. He left his home town Al-Ahsa and stayed in Al-Dari'iya where he died. We can see him in his book describing the Arabian nation in general and Najd in particular. He cited an example on how people deviated from the right path to paganism; they were worshipping at the grave of Zaid Bin Khattab upon which a dome was erected on a place called Jubaylah near Riyadh. This is beside other graves and domes of some of apostasy, people were offering prayers, sacrifices not only to the graves but they extended it to trees, stones and caves.

We can take from the history book of Ibn Ghannam, who witnessed the events and registered them, as well as from that of his successor, Ibn Bishr, who realized most of the incidents, that Najd was not an exception as to what happened in other Muslim countries regarding deviation from the right path and deterioration of creed and faith, being stirred by those seekers of wordly benefits and the "Sheikhs" of religious sects."


It is from here, that the urge to change and the aspiration of preaching is imbibed in his mind and motivated the responsibility of learning precedes action. It has becomes necessary for a scholar to explain to the people what obligation toward their religion. Many things have been introduced and accepted by the gullible mind of the people at that time as part and parcel of religion. After all, they do not have any relationship whatsoever, still they are unaware.

The sources of all these confusion are those scholars, who are running after the utility with their knowledge or ignorant pretending to be scholars. All the leaders of the Sufi orders created chaotic atmosphere to the extent of spoiling people's creed of faith; thereby, preventing them from understanding the Islamic legal system. As they directed them to whatever suit their mind, just to get worldly material things from the people and to have sovereign authority over them.

Naturally, in a situation like this, new mission of revivalism which strive to put people on the right path, to be confronted with non-acknowledgement, hatred and denial from the nearest scholars, who do not put their knowledge into practice, and those who are manipulating the religion for their selfish ends this depicts them as the common enemies of truth. It is from here, the stream of accusation, arrows of enmity, ideas of condemnation and falsehood and blackmail..


Started against the mission. People are always accepted by the people, they always remain their old, even if it is harmful to their welfare. Thus Prophet Muhammad صلى الله عليه وسلم when he started his preaching, the Arabs told him:

 إنا وجدنا آباءنا على أمة وإنا على آثارهم مقتدون
we found our fathers upon a religion, and we are, in their footsteps, following...

[Surah Az-Zukruf:23]

This Idea of rejecting what is new by the opponents, if the bearer of the mission is able to resist any challenge and affliction, their duty is to give clear evidence and face their  people with good method of approach in scientific debate and reasonable dialogues and conference.

In this mission, the bearer of this  mission adopts methods of exchanging letters and meaningful writings. Scholars too contribute immensely in conveying the message of this mission of the people, mostly during the hajj period.  Imam Saud IBn ABdul Aziz head of Saudi Royal family, who supports the mission of Muhammad Bin Abdul Wahhab, did not create anything new in religion of Islam. Sheikh Muhammad  Abdul-Wahhab himself used to cite evidences only from the Qur'an and Hadith throughout support of Makkah and scholars of Najd, A fruitful argument also took..


place between the scholars of Najd and on the other side the scholars of Maghrib in the 1226 AH. Those events were documented in the history of Maghrib.

In Najd itself, this new mission was also confronted by the native scholars, wh waged war against it, through fabricating falsehood and rumours against it. But people from far away have already accepted his call through the method adopted by the followers. Now I am going to list Muhammad Bin Abdul-Wahhab with enmity. Through, we cannot blame other scholars, who came from outside of the wrong information conveyed to them by selfish scholars and colonialists.

A book written by Sheikh Ahmad Bin Yahya Al-Wansharisi title 'Al-M'yar Al-Mu'arrab wa Al-Jam'a Fatwah Ulama Afiriqiya wa Alindalus wa Maghrib'. This is an old book written according to the teachings of Maliki's school of thought. People og Maghrib in Beruit by Darul Garbi Al-Islami, 1981. This book has also compelled and impelled me to write on this topic. In volume 11 page 168 one subheading attracted my attention and it reads as follows:

"How should the adherents of Wahhabiya be treated."


This heading is really attractive, and it invites the attention of the people, mostly, the mission brought by Muhammad Bin Abdul-Wahhab with aim of revivalism and reformation directs people to the original Islamic Faith. This mission is only known as Wahhabiyyah as it is tagged with sobriquet by its arch enemies, solely to instiagte people to reject its teachings. Most importantly, some followers of Sufi orders, were against the teaching of Muhammad Bin Abdul-Wahhab simply to achieve their selfish ends. Moreover to divide the unity of the Muslims and distance them from the way of prophet Muhammad صلى الله عليه وسلم and his guided calips. Islam came brotherhood unity among the Muslims, through obedience and brotherhood as stated by Allaah عز وجل in the Noble Qur'an. where he says:
إنما المؤمنون إخوة فأصلحوا بين أخويكم واتقوا الله لعلكم ترحمون
The believers are but brothers, so make settlement between your brothers. And fear Allah that you may receive mercy.

[Surah Al-Hujurat :10]
يا أيها الذين آمنوا لا يسخر قوم من قوم 
O you who have believed, let not a people ridicule [another] people; perhaps they may be better than them;

[Surah Al-Hujurat :10]

This term which associated with the mission of Abdul-Wahhab was intentional. Some followers of Sufi orders...


Page 60-65 (Correction of the Historical Errors About AL-WAHHABIYYAH)

to the ignorance and selfish interest (lust is deep and blind). No wonder, such people can be motivated by their bad feelings to wage war against Islam directly or indirectly, because they have the tendency of coining allegations against the sincere callers to the right path of Allaah, they invented falsehood in order to create confusion; they badly nicknamed them so as to instigate people to reject them. And finally, they will try to win the heart of the majority of those who are incapable of reading so as to conduct research aimed at brainwashing them and be indulged in absolute confusion.

Thus, the propagation initiated by Sheikh Muhammad Bin Abdul-Wahhab, according to the correct teaching f the predecessors of Islam emerged in the middle of Arabia in the 12th century of Hijra. Muslim at that time, all over the world not only in Arabian Peninsula, were highly in need of that type of Islamic Propagation. Not only to effect correction and doing with their misconception concerning faith and worship. Since, most of these misconception are brought about due to the ignorance of Islamic Fundaments, as well as blind fellowship enjoyed by rigid and heretic scholars. Prophet Muhammad صلى الله عليه وسلم  feared that:

"In his Ummah there are heretic scholar who give out rulings not in accordance with what Allaah send down; hence they deviate and cause others to deviate (from the right path)...


Allaah will not withdraw the knowledge He has given you; bu He take it through the death of the knowledgeable; for they died with their knowledge left other people ignorant. When they are asked they answered according to their whims, caprices and wits. They are doomed and misled others." [Reported by Bukhari from Urwa from Abdullaah Bin Amr Bin Aas رضي الله عنهم ]

The teaching of Sheikh Muhammad Bin Abdul-Wahhab is aimed at sanitizing the religion of Islam from dirt and stain, and to correct what was introduced by the people. Especially the unity of God, divinity, His names and  attributes, associating partners with God disqualifying His name and qualities, which rendered them distorted or allegorically changed their meanings, in short, the three aspects of monotheism:

Tauhid Ar-Rububiyyah (Oneness of the Lordship of Allaah)

Tauhidul-Uluhiyyah (Oneness of the worship of Allaah)

Tauhid Al-Asma'a Wassifat (Oneness of the names and qualities of Allaah)

The three aspects of Tauhid were polluted and corrupted as far as the Faith and action are concerned. That is because of the influence of bad creed that is alien to the Prophetic teachings; this bad creed was introduced into Islam.


Those people who introduced these bad creeds into Islam canvassed a number of followersowing to their eloquence in the speech.

{وَمِنَ النَّاسِ مَن يُعْجِبُكَ قَوْلُهُ فِي الْحَيَاةِ الدُّنْيَا وَيُشْهِدُ اللَّهَ عَلَىٰ مَا فِي قَلْبِهِ وَهُوَ أَلَدُّ الْخِصَامِ} 

{وَإِذَا تَوَلَّىٰ سَعَىٰ فِي الْأَرْضِ لِيُفْسِدَ فِيهَا وَيُهْلِكَ الْحَرْثَ وَالنَّسْلَ ۗ وَاللَّهُ لَا يُحِبُّ الْفَسَادَ}

And of the people is he whose speech pleases you in worldly life, and he calls Allah to witness as to what is in his heart, yet he is the fiercest of opponents.

And when he goes away, he strives throughout the land to cause corruption therein and destroy crops and animals. And Allah does not like corruption.

[Surah Al Baqrah 2:204-205]

At that particular period, people were conversant with full knowledge of Islamic Legal system which was considered to be the basis of understanding the wisdom of our existence in this world. This lack of Knowledge and poor understanding of Islamic Legal System together with the blind initiation of the great nation conquered by Islam caused many Sufi sects to emerge in the Muslim world. These sects were initiated in good faith, but ignorance and quest for rank and  status in society religious grab continuously is made to..


be post inherited from one leader to another even without full qualification for attaining such status; most especially, the Islamic Legal system was lacking, to such an extent that ruling were not given out according to Islamic Injunctions. Indeed, this is what the Prophet (salallaahu alaihi wassalaam) feared for Muslim Ummah.

Anybody who looks at the dogmas unveiling the unseen, the idea of making what is unlawful to be lawful the activities of discipline (Murid) Sufi Leaders correlates such things with some activities performed in Christian churches. Especially, the idea of confession before the priest, ranks and titles attributed to church leaders in addition to X-Mass celebartion, will agree that these activities of Sufi orders and certain activities found in church are seen to be a continuation of one to another, mostly, in dogma and a number of theses aspects in comparison.

In order to purify Islam from all stain and alien dogmas which were originated from Judaism, Christianity and pre Islamic era, we should strive to apply what Allaah says in the Qur'an:

ولن ترضى عنك اليهود ولا النصارى حتى تتبع ملتهم قل إن هدى الله هو الهدى ولئن اتبعت أهواءهم بعد الذي جاءك من العلم ما لك من الله من وليّ ولا نصير

120: سورة البقر ة


And never will the Jews or the Christians approve of you until you follow their religion. Say, "Indeed, the guidance of Allah is the [only] guidance." If you were to follow their desires after what has come to you of knowledge, you would have against Allah no protector or helper.

[Surah Al Baqrah:120]

The role of  guidance, explanation and direction lies in the hands of pure Muslim scholars who are knowledgeable  in their religion affairs. They should explain and guide religion according to the instructions deducted from the original source of Islamic Legal System; Book of Allaah and sound tradition of His Prophet صلى الله عليه و سلم. Every Muslim preacher and scholar must put this point into cognizance. Muslim preachers and revivalist have made a very good record in calling people (to the right path) by adopting these two original sources of Islam.

Sheikh Muhammad Bin Abdul-Wahhab is considered to be one such great man, who followed the ways and methods of the first pious Muslim generations, revivalist and pure knowledge. He already witnessed what was common in his society over-exaggeration in the graves, who can neither ...


give help nor do they harm, worshipping deadly caves and trees, all these were practiced in the presence of the so-called Muslim Scholars, whose mind is incapable of effecting changes. People worshipped different objects seeking help and protection from them, forgtting that only Allaah alone gives help and protection and He is able to do everything. He would not accept any worship except what is sincerely done to Him.

He really faced a difficult of changing the minds of the people who turn and action towards other things other than God; after all, He is the provider and the benefactor.

The Muslim society, not only Najd alone. can be described with common picture, depicted by one american historian, Lothorop Steward as he stated in the following:

"Religion turned dark ages, the monotheism brought by the message bearer was covered with curtain of superstition. Mosques were absconded by real worshippers, the liars and the ignorant turned group of destitute and poor men roaming from one another place to another; hanging amulets over their necks, spreading lies that confuses to the grave of the saints imploring for help, the noble teachings of Noble Qur'an were relegated to the background by people, were the order of the day"


Page 54-59 (Correction of the Historical Errors About AL-WAHHABIYYAH)

As the Proverb pointed out that: "people are the enemies of what they do not know.."  we emphasize that people are enemies of anything that goes against their personal interests.

And the only arbitrary point is to refer any matter to the incorruptible divine source, which is not prone to lies.

Muslims are therefore commanded, before they make a stand in any affair pertaining to the creed of faith, as well as other religious matters of that kind; before they pass judgement, in the form of crisis or praise, they are enjoined to refer back to original source of the Islamic legal system, that is the Noble Qur'an and the Ahadith of the Prophet (salallaahu alaihi wasalaam).

Hence, anybody who introduces anything new that does not conform to these sources should be rejected, while a person who strictly follows the Qur'an and the tradition of the Prophet (salallaahu alaihi wasalaam) should be supported. And this is considered to be the actual form of awareness, understanding, analysis and confirmation. A Muslim could be in a vicious circle working as an agent to the enemies of Islam unconsciously.

The story of the tribe of Mustalaq belonging to the Jewish tribe upon whom the following Verse in the Noble Qur'an was revealed.    


يَا أَيُّهَا الَّذِينَ آمَنُوا إِن جَاءَكُمْ فَاسِقٌ بِنَبَإٍ فَتَبَيَّنُوا أَن تُصِيبُوا قَوْمًا بِجَهَالَةٍ فَتُصْبِحُوا عَلَىٰ مَا فَعَلْتُمْ نَادِمِينَ
"O you who have believed, if there comes to you a disobedient one with information, investigate, lest you harm a people out of ignorance and become, over what you have done, regretful."

[Al-Hujrat 49:6]

There is a great practical lesson in this for the faithful community who are interested on serving the religion; who establish goo relationship, that they should investigate any wrong information which can cause disunity among themselves.

There are a number of adversaries who instigate Muslims to cause turmoil within themselves so as to distance them from their religion, which is simple and plain, also, they make all efforts to introduce new things that are originated from the ancient religious cults, most especially Judaism and Christianity. We are all aware that, the divine religions revealed before Islam were clean and plain, but addition and deletion lead to Islam. They took some worshippers and scholars among the Muslims as their tools aimed at achieving their mischievous goals. The main target of these ..


enemies of Islam, is to be seen that both Muslims and non-Muslims become one side of the coin in sinful acts and disobedience to Allaah. Because, it is by doing so, they will find it very easy to penetrate the Muslim community. So, they will find if it continues over a period, the Muslims will be distance from their religion. In the end, the true Islam will be rendered a stranger among its Followers.

It was reported that Sufyan Al-Sowri رحم الله  (97  AH-161) said:
"Anybody who has been spoilt among the Muslim scholars will definitely posses an element of the Jewish Characteristics; those are people who have knowledge but do not put their knowledge into practice. And anybody who goes astray among the Muslim devotees has element of the Christian Characteristic; those who worship out of ignorance and error. We ask Allaah عزوجل  to bestow us with peace, harmony and good health"

Based on this, Islam brought clean legal system and a purified creed of Faith. It is a religion of the middle course in its theories, and practice. But it is in the highest in human-God relationship. Allaah has made the Muslim community among the other nations a middle course in everything.


وَكَذَٰلِكَ جَعَلْنَاكُمْ أُمَّةً وَسَطًا لِّتَكُونُوا شُهَدَاءَ عَلَى النَّاسِ وَيَكُونَ الرَّسُولُ عَلَيْكُمْ شَهِيدًا 

 [سورة البقرة:143]

And thus we have made you a just community that you will be witnesses over the people and the Messenger will be a witness over you.   
Surah Al-Baqarah 2:143]

A Muslim nation is a middle one between the monasticism of Christians, their exaggerated faith in Jesus, their worship out of ignorance and their blind obedience to the clergy men; and between the tricks of the Jews and their falsehood, their heretical acts against God and his Prophet صلى الله عليه سلم, their deliberate wrong doing and misleading attempt to blur historical, scientific and religious facts the divine religion which come from God through his messenger. The Jews are the most criminal and transgressing deviants.

Historically, ignorance spread among Muslim community at the end of the Abbasid government. This is because, a number of non-Arabs embraced Islam and most of the people are lacking the Islamic Knowledge and most of them were influenced by the knowledge of the Persian, Roman Philosophy and attacked by the Indian Sciences.

Some books pointed out such sects and organizations, as well as their ideologies; the doctrine of such sects and how they were established. They mentioned the differences...


between Ahala-Sunnah-Wal-Jama'a the followers of the prophetical tradition and the followers of sects.

It is during that period, many organizations and sects with different ideologies had emerged into the Muslim communities. Abdullaah Bin Saba who embraced Islam deceptively, played a big role in creating of the Righteous Guided Caliph Uthman Bin Affan (رضي الله عنه), he established a sect after his name Saba'iyya.

Al-Shahrustani, the author of Al-Millal Wa Al-Ahwa' Wa-Nihal, Sheikhul-Islam Ibn Taymiyyah in his voluminous book of Fatwah and other books written by him discussed extensively about these sects. Ibn Taymiyyah exposed the activities of such sects thereby refuting their ideologies.

Anybody who read thoroughly about the movement and ideologies of Islam from the early history will surely trace the facts we expounded on this subject matter. One will understand that the conflict of ideas had emerged because of Roman philosophies, Persian and Indian Sciences adopted by the Muslims.

The Muslims society throughout the ages was endowed with men of wisdom who worked hard to understand those ideas and philosophies that are alien to the real Islamic doctrine. They did their best in effecting correction so as to create a line of distinction between ideas and Islam. Since the ...


target of such ideas is to divert the Muslims from the true Islam.
وَلَا يَزَالُونَ يُقَاتِلُونَكُمْ حَتَّىٰ يَرُدُّوكُمْ عَن دِينِكُمْ إِنِ اسْتَطَاعُوا 
And they will continue to fight you until they turn you back from your religion if they are able. 

[Surah Al-Baqrah 2: 217]

This is the wisdom that Allaah intended to take place between the truth and falsehood, so as to protect the intellect and enlighten the mind. Whosoever Allaah wanted to guide to the truth will follow the right path, through the textual evidence and good sense of reasoning.

Correcting falsehood with evidence is the major function of the religious call and propagation, which Allaah laid upon Bani Isra'il, the Jews, but they rejected that because of arrogance and pride. Therefore, it is now a duty a laid upon Muslim scholars who fear Allaah most, to speak and inform by calling people to the Prophetical path in faith and worship, they should also correct the misconception by the Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم, followed his companions and those who follow their steps in both theory and practice.

But thi cannot be understood, that the correct and peaceful propagation would not have materialized without the advent of adversaries, in any period of time, This can be attributed...



Authors Introduction

All th praises and thanks are to Allaah, the Lord of the Alamin (mankind, jinn and all that exist) and peace and blessings of Allaah be upon the Master of the Messengers Muhammad (salallaahu alaihi wasalaam), his relatives, Companions and followers.

My article, which was published four years ago about the correction of Historical Misconception on the mission of Sheikh Muhammad Bin Abdul Wahhab, was very effective the mission of Salafiyyah, the reformer, Sheikh Muhammad Bin Abdul-Wahhab رحمه الله. It is procession of the noble professor from one of the Moroccan Universities who sought for more explanation on the topic (the correction of the Historical Misconception about Wahhabism).

This Brief treatise is an answer to that demand. Most especially, as he pointed out the role played by Moroccan leaders and scholars in protecting the sanctity of this religion of Islam.

In the cause of undertaking this research, I tried to the best of my ability to lay my hands on reliable sources of information.

The first edition of this book accords wider acceptance among readers. The reason is owed to the fact that it contains nothing but the truth as enshrined in the teaching of Prophet Muhammad (salallaahu alaihi wasalaam).

The first edition of this book gained the merit of good response from the readers. It also answered my main motive of expounding the truth, which I intented to bring to our readers, in order to serve both academic purpose, and at the same time, to account for the truth (of knowledge entrusted upon the scholars). To unite the Muslims on Islamic righteous acts, which already the Prophet (salallaahu alaihi wasalaam) indicated a great landmark within the last 14th centuries.

Prophet Muhammad (salallaahu alaihi wasalaam) died and left his people on the right path (and non by-passes this path save a person who abhors the truth as stated by the prophet (salallaahu alaihi wasalaam).

I hereby introduce the second edition of my book to you dear reader, which is strongly edited making some useful inclusions, in form of additional explanatory notes.

May Allaah make the truth to be our guide; the truth should guide our utterances, join us in true Islamic brotherhood and let paradise be our resting place.

And our closing Du'a is Alhamdulillaahi rabbil Alaamin; All prasies and thanks are to Allaah, the Lord of the Alaamen.

Muhammad Al-Shuwair
Riyadh 15.5 1409 AH