Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Imaam Ash-Shaafi’i Quotes

“Every issue of which I spoke in a manner that goes against the Sunnah, I retract it during my lifetime and after my death.” 

[Al-Khateeb in Al-Faqeeh wal-Mutafaqqih]

“We affirm these attributes that the Qur’aan came with, and those that are mentioned in the sunnah; and we negate the idea of something resembling Him (tashbeeh), since He negated this from Himself, saying:

 “There is nothing like unto Him.” [42:11]”

 [Siyar A’laamin Nubalaa’ 20/341]

“I left Baghdaad, and I did not leave behind me a man better, having more knowledge, or greater fiqh (understanding), nor having greater taqwaa (piety) than Ahmad Ibn Hanbal.” 

[Siyar ‘Alaamin Nubulaa’, 11/177-358]

Uma Ibn Al Khattaab Quotes

“Whoever decorates himself by displaying to the people some characteristics that Allaah knows are contrary to his real characteristics, will be disgraced and dishonored by Allaah.”

 [Ad-Daaraqutnee, 4/207]

Sayings of the Scholars

Imaam Ash-Shafi'ee 
Umar Ibn Al Khattaab
Al Hasan Bashree
Fudayl Ibn Iyaad
Sufyan Ibn Unaynah
Muhammad Ibn Abdul-Baqi Al-Hanbali