Thursday, June 18, 2015

Page 136-140 (Correction of the Historical Errors About AL-WAHHABIYYAH)

enemies of Islam deliberately invented such things, in order to cause confusion among the Muslims with the sole aim of crippling the confidence of the people on any sincere person who strive to call the people to the path of Allaah. In short, today's journalism is typical of such distortion of facts.

The enemies of Islam always hate any religious acts that can purify the heart and keep its followers under one umbrella as brethren. Nothing can unify the Muslim lives except a creed of faith which is  free from superstition and innovation. The opponents of Islam will definitely mobilize their friends to destabilize the Muslim brotherhood. As it happened in Palestine, the youth uprising and revolt against Israeli authorities; the youth always stone the Jews with pebbles, cheering and chanting Allaahu Akbar! Allaah is the greatest! The Israelis are afraid simply because the children of Intifada call for Jihad. Therefore, the Israeli authorities announceed in the media that the country is being confronted by communist rebellion. This is aimed at diverting the world's attention from noticing the Islamic resurgence. Indeed, there are number of examples in any place at every period of time.

Al-Watri was born in Al-Madinah in the year 1261 AH he was a contemporary of Professor Ahmad Al-Ammari who edited his dissertation on the trial of Salafiyyah in Maghreb.


He posed many questions pertaining to it, which goes as follows.

Wasn't Watri's intention to follow up the activities of Wahhabiyya in Magreb as he did the same thing in the East? Why did the sultan of the Turks and his Governor in Egypt try to suppress the mission of Muhammad bin Abdul-Wahhab' can't it be attributed to sectionalism, nepotism of Sufi order agianst Salafiyah or any other hidden ulterior motive?

We are going to answer all these questions and the reason on which AL-Watri relied upon.

Certainly. Al-Watri benefited from the vested interests that people of Maghreb directed toward Salafiyah when they received the letter of Imam Sau'd bin Abdul Aziz in the year 1225 AH hamdun bin Haji Al-Fasi to compile a reply of the letter. Thus, he composed a poem eulogizing the Imam Ibn Sa'ud as instructed by Al-Maula. An excerpt of the poem goes as follows:

You really carry a heavy task which nobody can carry.

May Allaah reward you with his bounties. The armed robbers in Hijaz are stopped.

With penalty of killing or crucifying

Their Hands and feet cut off from opposite side.


or to be exiled from the land.

With the application of Shari'a Hijas is blessed with fountain water

Nothing can prevent pilgrimage and visitation to the holy Mosques.

the way to Hijaz is secure.

And the doves in the Haram are secure.

Imam Sa'ud appeared.

Eradicationg innovations and superstitions,

Concoted by both Arab and Non-ARabs.


Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Page 131-135 (Correction of the Historical Errors About AL-WAHHABIYYAH)

 Mas'ud An-Nadwi in his book (Muhammad bin Abdul Wahhab-the accused revivalist) stated that the most nauseating falsehood against Abdul-Wahhab's mission was the name tagged Al-Wahhabiyyah. People with selfish interest deliberately adopt the name in order to black paint it and alienate it from Islam.

The English, the Turks and Egyptians made the mission o frightful ghost. Any mission they find soaring to great height, they tagged it "Wahhabiyyah" even if it had no affiliation to Abdul-Wahhab.

Sheikh Ahmed bin Hagar, a judge of the shariah a high court in Qatar has related the accusation of the Hanblite theologians with falsehood against Abdul-Wahhab. This is because his opponents cannot produce any information except by creating misnomers and flagrant falsehood.

The colonists cannot destroy any Islamic movement except by invening falsehood and rumours. Sheikh Ahmad said in his book title ' Naqd Kalam-Al-mufarin Al-Hanabila As-Salafeyeen' that Abdul-Wahhab and his followers disrespect for the prophet (salallaahu alaihi wasalaam) e.g. someone saying his staff is better than the prophet (salallaahu alaihi wasalaam). They do not also honor scholars and pious people. They deny intercession of..


the Prophet (salallaahu alaihi wasalaam) and other martyr of Islam; they do not invoke and bless the prophet (salallaahu alaihi wasalaam).They do not respect the four scholars who founded the Islamic of thought, instead, they burn their books. They do not allow followership  for any school of law and consider many Muslims as infidels. They prohibit the celebration of the Prophet (salallaahu alaihi wasalaam) birthday etc.

The answer to all these postulations in this ' All these allegations are however baseless and incredible. The books of this mission have all been published and are in circulation and they are accessible for anyone who deems it fit to read.

It is therefore glaringly obvious that the name is just a misnomer and the alleged campaign that it is the 5th school of law an open fabrication.

We are aware that the Maghrib scholars had gone through untold suffering due to the heretic deeds of the other wahhabiyyah faction, that of Abdil-Wahhab bin Abdur-Rehman bin Rustum. At the end of the 2nd century and beginning of the 3rd after Hijra. They have revealed their views in the fatwah mentioned earlier on. And therefore the name "Wahhabiyya" is a ready-made garment of evil which the enemies of Islam wish to cover this mission of revivalism and reformation so that people will shun away from it.

With regard to scholars who oppeosed the mission of Abdul-Wahhab, simply blackpaint the new mission in order to protect their stakes. They used the disputes, which arose...


between Abdul-Wahhab and his brother Suleyman. They failed to realized that it was a mere difference of academic  opinions and Suleiman accepts the mission of his brothere but those schilar continued in their opinions, to extent of compiling two books with the following titles:

'Al SSawa'iq Al-Ilahiyya Fil Radd Alaa Al-Wahhabiyya' and Suleiman, The name Wahhabiyya was unknown during Abdul-Wahhab's lifetime, but twenty years after his death, this name emerged.

The mission came under attack especially from Turkey and E gypt under the leadership of Ibrahim Pasha; and they invaded Najd. This was after the death of Suleiman. Our evidence stems from the statements of the European Nipor who was a contemporary of Abdul-Wahhab, who wrote about his mission, he refrained from using theok weng word Wahhabiyya; this proves the name was unknown then as proved by Muhammad Al-NAdwi, but what he called it was Muhammedansim. Brick Heart, who came to Hijaz (the arabian peninsula) after Muhammad Ali's invasion in the year 1229 AH, says Al-Jabarti in his history, first coined the word Wahhabiyya. This name also was mentioned in Saddler's journey, which was earlier mentioned.

The third is that, if this Suleiman bin Abdul-Wahhab is among the people who wrote against his brother and opposed his mission, his name will definitely appear in the letters of his brother when he refuted the allegations against him. We are going to forward the list of those who opposed Sheikh Muhammad and his mission even for the first period. No doubt that Suleiman was given a ready made garments in order to blacklist him among the opponents of his brother ad they used the word Wahabiyya in order to blackpaint the mission of Muhammad bin Abdul-Wahhab.

The fourth is that, the dispute between Suleiman Bin Abdul-Wahhab and his brother in the beginning of the mission. By that time, they conducted most of their debates verbally and through correspondence in few  letters. That is why Ibn Ghannam never recorded anything about the dispute between Suleiman and his brother. Menawhile, he stated those who opposed the mission of Sheikh Muhammad. This on one part, and in another part, Wahhabiyyah is relating to the first person to use such name to their father Abdul Wahhab is incorrect. This is just like putting 'the cart before the horse'. For a person who hailed from Morocco is called Moroccan not indian. It is therefore not possible simply, because the two will share the same consequencies.


The first reason, writers who wrote about his mission in the early time which attracted and others like Nipor who in the contemporary period of the mission went to Ahsa calling the mission as Muhammadiya and sometimes he called it a new religion. And these two names cannot satisfy the public conscience. Brick Heart came to Hijaz in the year 1229 AH and had a meeting with Muhammad Ali. He is concerned; since, it is a mission that is free from any innovation. He went ahead to criticize those who opposed the mission. Base on this. call this mission Wahhabiyya is simply a deliberate attempt to distort the truth by those with ulterior hidden motive.

It is for purpose that this has preceded the Ottoman attacks on the people of Hijaz forcing them to pay huge amount as tax, so as to enrich the government, as stated by AL-Jabarti. They also called upon people to fight the Kharajite sect is back again.

Based on the aforestated reasons, the old forgotten archival Wahabiy is brought  to lime light thereby nicknaming this mission with it. Also in this period of time, a book was fabricated, entitled the "The confession of the British Spy" thereby linking it with Sheikh Muhammad bin Abdul-Wahhab. This is biased, because the man never exit in the era of Muhammad bin Abdul-Wahhab. In fact, staunch..
